this week I've have been doing the AVAILL program
with mrs marsh.

So what?
we have been watching meet the robinsons and miss marsh stops the movie when the book tells her too. here is one of the activities that i liked:     

this activity is called match the meaning↘ 

match the meaning is a activity that when miss marsh stops and the subtitle before the one shown has a word that means the same as the one in the booklet. 

What now?
to carry on with the program

C.A.R.E Values

My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .


  • My strengths are in being a respectful person and  an active thinker because I  focus on my learning and I let others learn by being sensible and quiet.
  • I have achieved my bronze certificate.
  • I am far away from getting my silver certificate.


  • I am going to work towards respect  because I am very good at it.
  • I am going to do this by being quiet and sensible so others can focus and will be silent on the mat.
  • I am going to work on community, by being a caring friend.

Cloze Relfection

I am learning how to do a cloze activity to help me with my reading
Being able to make logical predictions about what word would fit correctly into a sentence is a successful read`er strategy.

So What?
We use the following procedures:
  1. Read the whole text so that we can get an overall picture of the text.
  2. Re-read the text and think of words that would fit into the gaps. Write them down
  3. Look at the word list for this activity and see if I am correct / make changes

Now What?

A = I am independent. I read the text, select words that I feel logically and grammatically fit, and then I use the word list to confirm my predictions and / or make some small changes.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

I am learning to make safe decisions.

So what?
I am learning this because we need to keep our\selves safe.

Now what?
An example of a safe decision is if I am walking down the street at night alone and I get chased I will go to the closest house and knock on the door and yell out really loudly.